Whether you're an architect with a large industrial renovation project or a single family home, an owner with a electrical problem in your own building, an engineer needing assistance with the electrical portion of your project, or an electrical contractor with an electrical problem on a project, our firm offers electrical engineering design services that we structure just for your project. We understand your budget is real. We provide only the services you really need in a way that makes us an economical addition to your project team. Your deadlines have significance both now and later on downstream tasks. We have a track record of not only meeting deadlines, but our permit reviews result in few or no corrections, saving you time. We also understand that you need engineering design services at different points in a project. Some projects may require complete design and construction services. Maybe you only need a preliminary schematic design to develop a project cost. Perhaps you need commissioning services. We have the experience to meet your needs. Contact us to find out how we can help you with your project.